You Can Only Turn Left is a digital interactive narrative game that investigates the hypnagogic state that exists between sleeping and wakefulness. Within the game, players parse through memories, dreams, and reality to piece together their identity, but also to find a way to break numerous cycles and loops. By studying my dreams, the lines that separate these perceptual states have become less and less rigid, and I’ve been riddled by their relationships to each other and ultimately how I can utilize those shape-shifting qualities in my waking life.The narrative of the game is nonlinear and often fades from moments of reverie into nightmarish hallucinations making it almost impossible to feel secure at any point of play. Each playthrough is an exploration of that duality to both cling on to and let go of control. Within the game, the player slowly learns to find moments of peace with their own agency and are forced to exercise the mental flexibility of an avid dreamer in their attempts to gain lucidity.

'You Can Only Turn Left' installation view, West Wall, 2023

“You start to slowly roll your wrists and ankles. You extend your arms above your head and stretch your entire body out. When you feel ready you prop yourself up and open your eyes to see a large black widow perched on the wall to your left.” Watercolor and ink on cold pressed paper, 40”x60”, 2023.

“The end mimics the start, and the snake invites you onto its tongue. You accept, take a seat, and the snake swallows you whole.” Watercolor and ink on paper, 40”x60”, 2023.

“You’re spiraling. When you come to you feel as if you are rolling forward on a smooth surface. You slowly spiral upwards until you reach the end”, watercolor and ink on cold pressed paper, 40”x60”, 2023.

“You and your hyenas stand facing them. Suddenly the animals lunge at them, ripping their throats out and rendering them silent forever” watercolor and ink on paper, 40”x60”, 2023.

"You Can Only Turn Left" Installation View, 2023.